How to loose weight and keep it off

I recently lost 21 pounds. Yes! I know it’s incredible. I have struggled to loose weight for the last few years. I would exercise a lot but the weight was just not coming off. Until…… I started eating a plant base diet.

It’s very easy to follow. I know how is that possible. But it’ true, in the next few weeks I am going to share my results. What I have done to keep the weight off and some of the recipies that have helped me keep the weight off after 4 months.

Follow me on this journey and let’s do this together.

Happiness Sprinkles

Fun & Affordable Things to do this Summer with your Kids

Remember when we were kids, how easy it was to have fun? You would go outside and play with the neighbors. The summer would go by very fast and next thing you knew it was time to go back to school. During my summers as a kid there was no cell phones or computers in my home. My siblings and I had to entertain ourselves the more natural way. Unlike now a lot of kids just want to be in front of the T.V., the IPAD or playing video games.

This summer could be a fun one if you plan ahead. What we like to do is check our parks schedule of events for kids during the summer. There are a lot of fun things to do. In my city park, they offer swimming classes for kids (very inexpensive), movie night for the family under the stars (you can bring food and snacks & it’s FREE).
On those warm nights we actually camp outside in the yard. We set up our canopy bring out blankets and pillows and snacks. We have a pit fire and watch movies on our laptop outside. We also tell stories that we make up. It’s very fun! My daughter loves it. Best of all absolutely FREE, no expense made. Because we already had all those things at home that we used.

Look online for events that are happening in your city this summer and go out and have fun with your kids.

Ikea, What would I do Without You?

This morning I asked my daughter if she wanted to go to Ikea. She jumped from excitement. Since the first time I took my daughter to Ikea, she loved the hot dogs there. Ever since then every time we go to Ikea we have lunch there. We have our little ritual we eat then we go do some shopping. She likes the kids section. There are a lot of cool things there for kids rooms.

It’s so relaxing going from room to room getting ideas on how to decorate a kitchen, a kids room, and a living room.  We bought cereal bowls and utensils. The cereal bowls were $2.99 each  but i got them for 99 cents each. Since the bowls were a good deal I bought 6. The utensils were $8.99 for a 20 ct., pretty good prices.

Decluttering My Mind and Life……..

When ever I feel overwhelmed I start decluttering my home. I usually start with my bedroom. This time around I started with my kitchen and worked my way to the living room, then to my daughters bedroom, then my bedroom, then I went to my garage and organized it, last but not least my home office; (currently work in progress).

I’ve done this for years since I was younger. It helps me release stress, plus I get reaquainted with the things that I have in my home. This helps when I’m looking for something, I know exactly where it is. If I need to stock up on somethings for the season I make a list. This way I know what I’ll need. Even for the simplest things, such as needing a hammer. I can now walk into my garage and get one from the cabinet.

The way my home was cluttered is in a way a reflection of how I was feeling inside. To much going on in my head. My husband and I had trouble going into the garage. You could hardly walk in there weeks before. We usually spend time organizing it every few months, but lately there had not been time to dedicate to this task.

It helps to organize your home because you can get rid of the things that you no longer need. Plus, it helps you save money. Do you know how many people own more than one hammer? A lot, because since they couldn’t find the one that they had it was a lot easier to just go to the store and buy another one. If we do this process for all the things that we need, this is how we end up with to much repetitive stuff. This equates to a lot of money spent over the years.

Right now I’m working on  the last part of my decluttering goal, my home office. I’m hopping to finish it today. I look around at all the papers on my desk and the floor which I put there temporarily in order to access my keyboard. I’m sure I’ll definetely finish by the end of this week.

I have a lot of papers that need to be filed away, thrown out, and read. There’s and unexplainable feeling that I feel when I do this process. It’s like a weight gets lifted off my shoulders. Some people have a drink, watch TV, talk on the phone, read a book,or go for a walk. I choose to declutter, it works for me. When I decluter my life I declutter my mind. I feel better, I can breath and look forward to going shopping to get the things that I noticed I’ll need for the remaining of the year. Such as more extensions, and christmas lights!

I encourage you to give it a try…..